Yeah thank you for them so far lol
I have gone through 3 hosts just to be able to have a useable chat on my forum. My forum see's about 180 registered users and over 700 guests a day.
The only thing I think im going to have a problem with Darin is that My cpu is way in the red again
Last edited by duesmandella on Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
TheKiller wrote:Well i got about 985 registered members which more than half are banned members lol
But 700 guests ... thats wow O-O
i have came across ICDSoft before... to be honnest i dont like the way their site is wroten at all.
Only images around.....
Well i have 1300 registered people, i just meant by the day is the average ilisted above. I know there website isnt pretty and the cpanel is bland, but it works and Darin knows his way around it and thats all i care about right now lol
Last edited by duesmandella on Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
icdsoft's control panel is very plain and to the point, simple to navigate and you can see all the links in one small space without scrolling down the page. they have awesome support and i just like them and would recommend them to anyone
Last edited by spaceace on Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
if you like my work and would like to contribute to my development of styles, please donate by using the donate button in the header.
Is there some MOD That tells you the number of Guests from the entire day?
I Already have the Activity Stats MOD But this feature isnt included
I Use a unprofessional Hosting Provider which has very poor support and a very bad management
But i cant complain about their computers/servers and internet speed etc
i use DirectAdmin from them...
Here is a demo of my ACP
Last edited by Dragosvr92 on Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:30 am, edited 2 times in total.