Time and space style...

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Time and space style...

Post by spaceace »

here's some details for this new style...

style changes with user's own time
style changes with javascript and change times can be adjusted
style will have 3 base colours
it will have a width fixed at 1000px (adjustable edit in stylesheet.css)
for those that have javascript disabled, the style will have a base colour that will not change
stylesheet design will be from my Concept style
each stylesheet colour will have it's own set of images to match the base colour
in the future, individual colours will be available so you can put your own style set together
a minimum donation amount will be required to get it (don't worry, current donors will already be able to get it ;) )

i'm currently going through every colour scheme i can find to find the right set of colours to kick this thing off.
i have the javascript code finalized and working correctly and it also has the ability to support more or less than 3 colours.
i still haven't decided if it's going to be styled like Bluespace or my Concept style :roll:
Last edited by spaceace on Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

if you like my work and would like to contribute to my development of styles, please donate by using the donate button in the header.


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