here's what the header menubar looks like in browsers greater than IE6
this happens because of the conditional comment
Code: Select all
translation = gt stands for "greater than"<!--[if gt IE 6]><!-->
menu code here
now for how the style looks in IE6 or less
this is accomplished by the comment
Code: Select all
translation = lte stands for "less than or equal"<!--[if lte IE 6]>
navbar code here
personally, i do not like any Internet Explorer browser. they have very poor css support. MS has known this for a very long time has done pretty much nothing about it. style authors are forced to deal with this and i chose to not fix my menu to work in IE6, but instead have the basic prosilver navbar. if you want to see how my style looks with the drop down menu, upgrade your browser, or stop using IE as Firefox and other browsers are keeping up with time and not living in the past.