Moro nääs

stop in and say hi :D
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Moro nääs

Post by jryi »

...or "Hi there".

I just installed Ajax Chat on my production site...

Well, that's pretty much it. For some reason, while the site that I run is composed of video gamers of ages 30 and up, they are enthusiastic about the chat feature that I have always had there. So, when I upgraded to phpBB 3.1.x, I had to replace the earlier solution with something. And that something is Ajax Chat. (Bet you didn't see that one coming ;) )

So yeah, I thought I'd give some background info before I start complaining about stuff (= scrambling URLs, if a shout contains other text and url-tags are not used).

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Re: Moro nääs

Post by spaceace »

welcome and glad you are using my extension :D

not sure i understand what you mean about scrambling URLs
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