quote and edit buttons...

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quote and edit buttons...

Post by spaceace »

HTML for the quote and edit buttons... no permissions comment are in place
Open chatrow.html
Tip: This may be a partial find and not the whole line.
Code: Select all
							<ul class="post-buttons">
								<!-- IF M_AJAXCHAT_DELETE or U_ACP -->
									<a href="javascript:void({chatrow.MESSAGE_ID})" title="{L_DELETE_CHAT_MESSAGE}" onClick="delete_post('{chatrow.MESSAGE_ID}')"><li class="button icon-button delete-icon"></li></a>
								<!-- ENDIF -->
Replace with
Tip: Replace the preceding line(s) to find with the following line(s).
Code: Select all
							<ul class="post-buttons">
									<a href="#!chat_quote/{message.S_ID}" title="{L_CHAT_QUOTE}" class="button icon-button quote-icon"><span>{L_QUOTE}</span></a>
									<a href="#" title="{L_CHAT_EDIT}" class="button icon-button edit-icon"><span>{L_BUTTON_EDIT}</span></a>
								<!-- IF M_AJAXCHAT_DELETE or U_ACP -->
									<a href="javascript:void({chatrow.MESSAGE_ID})" title="{L_DELETE_CHAT_MESSAGE}" onClick="delete_post('{chatrow.MESSAGE_ID}')"><li class="button icon-button delete-icon"></li></a>
								<!-- ENDIF -->

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