Hi all,
I've installed Ajax-Chat 3.0.17 on my phpBB3 3.1.9 and I have some trouble with the buttons "font color" and "BBCodes" (I use it in German language and I hope, the translation is right).
Every time I open the chat or reload the page all the colors for the font color and all the BBCodes appear. I push the buttos and they colors and BBCodes disappear - fine. But at the next reload of the page, they are open again.
It happens for my users, too.
How can I manage it that they stay closed?
Finally a feature question:
My users are happy that they can save their personal font-color. Now they ask if it would also be possible to store the font type, too. Not yet, I know, but maybe in the future?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Trouble with some buttons
Re: Trouble with some buttons
it's strange that you have the issue with the font colour and bbcodes and not the smilies... they all work from the same function. it's possible that something on your site uses the same HTML id as those functions. i would need a link with a working login with chat permissions to see if i can find the issue.
as for font type feature... that is actually a good idea and i will have to look into that to see if it's possible. the only issue would be having to have the font being part of the board or the chat extension. but i'm not entirely sure how that would/could work
as for font type feature... that is actually a good idea and i will have to look into that to see if it's possible. the only issue would be having to have the font being part of the board or the chat extension. but i'm not entirely sure how that would/could work
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Re: Trouble with some buttons
Thanks a lot!
I've sent you the login-details.
Best regards,
I've sent you the login-details.
Best regards,
Re: Trouble with some buttons
Hello spaceace,
I found it out and it seems to be a mistake in your files.
file: \styles\all\template\chat_body_buttons.html
search for:
search for:
Best regards,
I found it out and it seems to be a mistake in your files.
file: \styles\all\template\chat_body_buttons.html
search for:
Code: Select all
replace with:
<div id="chat_bbcodes">
Code: Select all
file:\styles\prosilver\template\chat_body_font_colour_hold.html <div id="chat_bbcodes" style="display: none;">
search for:
Code: Select all
replace with:
<div id="chat_colour_palette">
Code: Select all
And everything works perfect!<div id="chat_colour_palette" style="display: none">
Best regards,
Re: Trouble with some buttons
You should not have to do that as these settings are configured in the:
Do you have this file present?
What style are you using?
Do you have this file present?
What style are you using?
Re: Trouble with some buttons
what sploinker said is correct. they are defined in the css...
Code: Select all
and...#chat_colour_palette {
display: none;
text-align: center;
padding-bottom: 5px;
Code: Select all
it could be something is not properly passing the css. but, the way you have fixed it will work also. this site uses the files exactly as they are on GitHub #chat_bbcodes {
display: none;

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Re: Trouble with some buttons
Yes, \styles\all\theme\ajax_chat.css is present and it contains exactly, what spaceace posted.
The style I use for phpBB3 is called ne-blackgreen, based on prosilver.
Maybe that's the reason that the ajax_chat.css is beeing ignored? Not supported?
Spaceace, you were wondering why I did not have the issue with the smilies. Quite easy, because in the \styles\all\template\chat_body_buttons.html you'll find
That' the reason why I've added the style=... for BBCode and chat_colour, too
However, for me it works fine and your question concerning the smilies brought me to right road...
The style I use for phpBB3 is called ne-blackgreen, based on prosilver.
Maybe that's the reason that the ajax_chat.css is beeing ignored? Not supported?
Spaceace, you were wondering why I did not have the issue with the smilies. Quite easy, because in the \styles\all\template\chat_body_buttons.html you'll find
Code: Select all
and it's originally in, not added by me.<div id="chat_smilies" style="display: none;">
That' the reason why I've added the style=... for BBCode and chat_colour, too

However, for me it works fine and your question concerning the smilies brought me to right road...
Last edited by Elec on Thu Jun 16, 2016 5:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.