refresh auto

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refresh auto

Post by sebulon »

the refresh is done every 5 seconds, but when you refresh the page, the more refreshing.
here it's the same

In the first image we see 5 (refresh OK) has not the same place as in the second (more refresh).
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Re: refresh auto

Post by spaceace »

i'm not sure i understand what you are saying. i do know there is an issue with the refresher function in the controller and am working on fixing it... long process as many things need to be changed. but the refresher will be fixed in the next release
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Re: refresh auto

Post by sebulon »

Not easy, my English is very bad.

When you refresh the index page, the chat does more updates every 5 seconds.
Did a test here and see.

I'll wait for the next versions.

Thank you for your good work.
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